Brian A. Sharpless. Ph.D., M.A.
Licensed Psychologist




 General Info











Sharpless, B.A., & Barber, J.P (accepted).  Transference and countertransference. In

               R. Cautin & S Lilienfeld's (Eds). The Encyclopedia of Clinical Psychology

            NY:  Wiley-Blackwell.


Sharpless, B.A. (accepted).  Serial killers, movie stars, and "eruptions": A case of                    

            obsessionality.  In R. Summers & J. Barber's (Eds).  Psychodynamic Therapy: A         

            Pragmatic  Casebook.  NY: Guilford Press.


Sharpless, B.A., & Barber, J.P (2013).  Predictors of program performance on the

            Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP).  Professional

            Psychology: Research and Practice, 44(4), 208-217.


Sharpless, B.A. (2013).  Kierkegaard's conception of psychology.  Journal of

            Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 33(2), 90-106.


Sharpless, B.A., & Barber, J.P.  (2012).  Corrective emotional experiences in           

            psychotherapy from a psychoanalytic perspective. In L. G. Castonguay                           

               & C. E. Hills (Eds.) Transformation in Psychotherapy:  Corrective Experiences

            across Cognitive   Behavioral, Humanistic, and Psychodynamic Approaches 

            (pp. 31-49). Washington, D.C.:  APA Press.


Hill, C.R., Castonguay, L.C, Farber, B., Knox, S., Stiles, W.B., Anderson, T. Angus, L.,                   

            Barber, J.P.    Bohart, A., Caspar, F., Constantino, M.J., Elliot, R., Friedlander,             

            M.L., Goldfried, M., Greenberg, L. Hayes, A., Hayes, J.A., Heatherington, L.,               

            Grosse Holtfort, M. Ladany, N., Levy, K., Messer, S., Muran, J.C., Newman, M.,                  

            Safran, J., & Sharpless, B.A. (2012).  Corrective experiences in psychotherapy            

            from a psychoanalytic perspective. In L. G. Castonguay & C. E. Hills (Eds.)                   

            Transformation in Psychotherapy:  Corrective Experiences across Cognitive                 

            Behavioral, Humanistic, and Psychodynamic Approaches.  Washington, D.C.: 

            APA Press.


Sharpless, B.A., & Barber, J.P. (2011).  Lifetime prevalence rates of sleep paralysis:

            A systematic review.  Sleep Medicine Reviews, 15, 311-315.   


Sharpless, B.A., & Barber, J.P. (2011).  A clinician's guide to PTSD treatments for

               returning veterans.  Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 42, 8-15. 


Khalsa, S.-R., McCarthy, K.S., Sharpless, B.A., Barrett, M.S., & Barber, J.P. (2011).  

            Beliefs about the causes of depression and treatment preferences.  Journal of  

            Clinical Psychology, 67, 539-549.


Chambless, D.L., Sharpless, B.A., McCarthy, K.S., Chambless, D.L., Milrod, B.L., Khalsa,

            S.R., & Barber, J.P.  (2010).  Psychometric properties of the Mobility Inventory for               

            Agoraphobia: Convergent, discriminant, and criterion-related validity.  Behavior 

            Research and Therapy, 43, 689-699.


Sharpless, B.A., McCarthy, K.S., Chambless, D.L., Milrod, B.L., Khalsa, S.R., & Barber,

           J.P.  (2010).  Isolated sleep paralysis and fearful isolated sleep paralysis in outpatients

           with panic attacks.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 66, 1292-1306.


Boswell, J. F., Sharpless, B.A., Greenberg, L. G., Heatherington, L., Huppert, J. D., Barber,

            J. P., Goldfried, M. R., & Castonguay, L. G. (2010).  Schools of psychotherapy

            and the beginnings of the scientific approach.  In D.H. Barlow's (Ed.) The Oxford

            Handbook of Clinical Psychology (pp. 98-127).  New York:  Oxford University Press.


Barber, J.P., Khalsa, S.R., & Sharpless, B.A. (2010).  The validity of the alliance as a

            Predictor of psychotherapy outcome.  In J. C. Muran & J. P. Barber's (Eds.) The   

            Therapeutic Alliance:  An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice and Training (pp.   

            29-43).  New York:  Guilford Press.


Sharpless, B.A., Muran, J.C., & Barber, J.P. (2010).  Coda:  Recommendations for

            practice and training.  In J.C. Muran & J.P. Barber's (Eds.) The Therapeutic   

            Alliance:  An Evidence-Based Approach to Practice and Training (pp. 341-354). 

            New York:  Guilford Press.


Barber, J.P., & Sharpless, B.A. (2010).  Supportive-expressive psychotherapy.  In I.

               Weiner & E. Craighead's (Eds.) Corsini's Encyclopedia of Psychology (4th ed.

               pp. 1739-1741).  NY:  John Wiley and Sons.


Sharpless, B.A., & Barber, J.P. (2009).  A conceptual and empirical review of the             

            meaning, measurement, development, and teaching of intervention                    

            competence in clinical psychology.  Clinical Psychology Review, 29(1), 47-56.


Sharpless, B.A., & Barber, J.P. (2009).  Psychodynamic therapy.  In R.E. Milgram's                       

            (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Depression (pp. 460-465).  New York: 

            Springer Publishing.


Sharpless, B.A., & Barber, J.P. (2009).  The Examination for Professional Practice in

            Psychology (EPPP) in the era of evidence-based practice.  Professional                  

            Psychology: Research and Practice, 40(4), 333-340. 


Barber, J.P., & Sharpless, B.A. (2009).  New methods - more questions:  A commentary

               on interdisciplinary dialogues, Psychotherapy Research, 19(6), 644-648.


Barber, J.P, Gallop, R., Crits-Christoph, P., Barrett, M.S., Klostermann, S.,                             

            McCarthy, K.S., & Sharpless, B.A. (2008).  The role of alliance and                                      

            techniques in predicting outcome of supportive-expressive dynamic                           

            therapy for cocaine dependence.  Psychoanalytic Psychology, 25(3), 461-482.


Barber, J.P., Sharpless, B.A., Klostermann, S., & McCarthy, K. (2007).  Assessing                       

            intervention competence and its relation to therapy outcome:  A                               

            selected review derived from the outcome literature.  Professional                           

            Psychology: Science and Practice, 38(5), 493-500.


Borkovec, T.D., & Sharpless, B. (2004).  Generalized anxiety disorder:  Bringing                      

            cognitive behavior therapy into the valued present.  In S. Hayes, V.                        

            Follette, & M. Linehan’s (Eds.) Mindfulness and Acceptance:  Expanding             

            the Cognitive-Behavioral Tradition (pp. 209-242).  New York:  Guilford Press. 




Brian Sharpless, Ph.D., M.A. is licensed to practice psychology in the state of Washington. License #PY60375469.
Copyright © 2013, Brian Sharpless, All Rights Reserved.